Elden Ring Wiki

Bloody Finger is a reusable, online-only tool in Elden Ring.
This item can be used as many times as the player wishes, unlike Festering Bloody Fingers which are consumed upon use and need to be replenished.


Item for online play.
(Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.)

Attempts an invasion of another player's world.
If successful, your objective will be to defeat the Host of Fingers of the world to which you were summoned.

The nail of this finger is shot through with streaks of fresh, glistening blood. The finger's sickly pale skin feels nothing now, but the nail still aches with sweetest pain.




Item for online play.
(Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.)

Attempts an invasion of another player's world.
If successful, your objective will be to defeat the Host of Fingers of the world to which you were summoned.

The nail of this finger is shot through with streaks of fresh, glistening blood. The finger's sickly pale skin feels nothing now, but the nail still aches with sweetest pain.


Obtained after giving Varré the Blood-Soaked Favor and joining Mohg's Bloody Fingers.


Using this item will make the player attempt to invade the world of another player, should they manage to connect then they will spawn in the other player's world as a Bloody Finger with three Phantom Bloody Fingers to use in that session.
The practical and cosmetic effects are the exact same as the the Festering Bloody Finger.
Differences are only found when compared against the Recusant Finger, such as the invader's title being "Bloody Finger" instead of "Recusant", the afformentioned Bloody Finger variant of the Phantom Finger, as well as a unique background song playing when the Bloody Finger engages the Host.

If the player has activated Mohg's Great Rune through the use of a Rune Arc they will also receive three Phantom Great Runes for use while invading through the Bloody Finger.

