Elden Ring Wiki

Black Knife Catacombs is a dungeon in Elden Ring.

It is found by heading east from the Church of Vows and taking the south path in the north-south split road. From there, follow the road until another north-east split happens and head north again before the cliffside splits east and follow it.

The entrance to the catacombs is guarded by a Mausoleum Knight.


A catacomb in the north-eastern area of Liurnia, inhabited by Necromancers and Skeletons. The catacombs are said to contain a knifeprint which hides the truth of the conspiracy of the Night of Black Knives.

Skeletons in this dungeon cannot be killed normally after being defeated unless using special weaknesses of Those Who Live in Death. Instead, nearby Commoner's wielding special staves have to be killed to finished them off normally.

The entrance to the main boss arena can be found just after the Site of Grace at the entrance. Head left to find a split in the route, with a Stonesword Key-locked room to the left that holds 2 Skeletons and the Rosus' Axe.

To continue, head forward instead of to the left and run into a large room with 3 guillotines.

Main boss route[]

Run through the guillotine to a ladder and climb down. Straight ahead is the dungeon lever, guarded by 2 Giant Crabs that pop up from the back and the front as you approach.

Return to the entrance and head through the now unlocked door to arrive at the boss, a Cemetery Shade who is accompanied by 2 sword-wielding Skeletons and 1 bow-wielding Skeleton. Since this can be a very overwhelming fight it is recommended to bring a Spirit Ash to distract at least some of the foes, or otherwise bring a strong anti-undead attack such as the skill Sacred Blade to deal with the mobs.

Secondary boss route[]

After the second or third guillotine blade has fallen down in the large room they can be stepped onto and ridden to a ledge above. Following through the door leads to more regular enemies as well as a corridor that seemingly ends with a small hole to the right to drop down to the lever below. If one instead attacks the wall straight ahead another fog wall for a boss will be revealed, along with the summon sign for D, Hunter of the Dead should he be alive.

Since the Black Knife Assassin within is a very agile foe capable of making lunges across the rather small arena, it is advisable to summon D or a Spirit Ash to help keep the assassin's attention on someone else and get a safe moment to heal.

Sites of Grace[]

Found at the start of the dungeon.




Notable Loot[]

Crafting Materials[]
