Elden Ring Wiki

Auriza Hero's Grave is a dungeon in Elden Ring.


A Hero's Grave tucked away on the outer north-eastern wall of Leyndell, Royal Capital. Automated chariots move along the corridors, and there are many Basilisks throughout. At the end of the dungeon awaits one of the two leaders of the Crucible Knights.

The chariots are summoned by sigils projected onto the ground by statues; one such statue is attached to a fire-breathing pillar. Raising the pillar will move the sigil up onto the same track as the other two chariots; approaching the sigil in its new location to summon this chariot will then result in the chariots colliding, destroying them. Once all three chariots are destroyed, Ash of War: Holy Ground and the Tree Sentinel Set are granted.

The pillar can be raised from afar with Margit's Shackle to avoid a significant amount of effort.

Sites of Grace[]

Found at the bottom of the lift at the start of the dungeon.



Notable Loot[]

Crafting Materials[]
