Elden Ring Wiki

Ash of War: War Cry is an Ash of War of Heavy Affinity in Elden Ring.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Heavy affinity and the following skill:

"War Cry: Give a war cry to rally the spirit and increase attack power. While active, strong attacks change to charging attacks."

Usable on melee armaments (daggers, thrusting swords, and whips excepted).

武器に戦技と属性を付与できる戦灰 付与戦技は以下、付与属性は「重厚」

 戦技「ウォークライ」  咆哮により自らを鼓舞し、攻撃力を高める戦技  効果中、強攻撃が突進攻撃となる

近接攻撃武器に使用できる (短剣/刺剣/鞭を除く)

This Ash of War grants an armament the Heavy affinity and the following skill:

"War Cry: Give a war cry to rally the spirit and increase attack power. While active, strong attacks change to charging attacks."

Usable on melee armaments (daggers, thrusting swords, and whips excepted).


Applies the skill War Cry to any melee weapon except for (small swords, thrusting swords, whips, or thrusting shields): Straight Swords, Light Greatswords Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Greatswords, Colossal Swords, Curved Swords, Curved Greatswords, Katanas, Great Katanas Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Twinblades, Axes, Greataxes, Hammers, Flails, Great Hammers, Colossal Weapons, Spears, Great Spears, Halberds, Reapers, Hand-to-Hand Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Fists, Claws, and Beast Claws Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

Compatible with the affinities Standard and Heavy by default, and also Keen and Quality if the Iron Whetblade has been acquired, Fire and Flame Art if the Red-Hot Whetblade has been acquired, Lightning and Sacred if the Sanctified Whetblade, Magic and Cold if the Glintstone Whetblade has been acquired, and Poison, Blood, and Occult if the Black Whetblade has been acquired.


Purchase: Stormhill / Volcano Manor
