Elden Ring Wiki

Ash of War: Vacuum Slice is an Ash of War of Quality Affinity in Elden Ring.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:

"Vacuum Slice: Lost skill of ancient heroes. Hold the armament aloft to surround it with a shearing vacuum, then launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile."

Usable on swords and axes (colossal axes excepted).



 戦技「真空斬り」  古い英雄たちの失われた戦技  高く掲げた剣身に、真空を生じさせ  それを刃として前方に放つ

剣/斧に使用できる (特大の斧を除く)

This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:

"Vacuum Slice: Lost skill of ancient heroes. Hold the armament aloft to surround it with a shearing vacuum, then launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile."

Usable on swords and axes (colossal axes excepted).


Applies the skill, Vacuum Slice to most non-colossal Swords and Axes.


Loot: Deeproot Depths

Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.
