Ash of War: Vacuum Slice is an Ash of War of Quality Affinity in Elden Ring.
This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:
"Vacuum Slice: Lost skill of ancient heroes. Hold the armament aloft to surround it with a shearing vacuum, then launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile."
Usable on swords and axes (colossal axes excepted).
戦技「真空斬り」 古い英雄たちの失われた戦技 高く掲げた剣身に、真空を生じさせ それを刃として前方に放つ
剣/斧に使用できる (特大の斧を除く)
Applies the skill, Vacuum Slice to most non-colossal Swords and Axes.
Loot: Deeproot Depths
- Found inside a partially sunken building near a mountainous wall, located northeast of the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace (or directly east of The Nameless Eternal City site of grace.
Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.