Elden Ring Wiki

Ash of War: Storm Blade is an Ash of War of Quality Affinity in Elden Ring.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:

"Storm Blade: Lost skill of Stormveil. Surround armament with shearing storm winds that can be fired forward. Can be fired in rapid succession."

Usable on swords (colossal weapons and twinblades excepted).

武器に戦技と属性を付与できる戦灰 付与戦技は以下、付与属性は「上質」

 戦技「嵐の刃」  ストームヴィルの失われた戦技  武器に嵐の刃を纏い、それを前方に放つ  連続で放つことができる

剣に使用できる (特大のもの/両刃剣を除く)

This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:

"Storm Blade: Lost skill of Stormveil. Surround armament with shearing storm winds that can be fired forward. Can be fired in rapid succession."

Usable on swords (colossal weapons and twinblades excepted).


Applies the skill, Storm Blade to most Swords.


Purchase: Stormhill / Volcano Manor

Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.
