Elden Ring Wiki

Ash of War: Eruption is an Ash of War of Fire Affinity in Elden Ring.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Fire affinity and the following skill:

"Eruption: Skill of the knights who serve at Volcano Manor. Slam armament into the ground, spawning roiling lava which spouts up upon release."

Usable on large and colossal swords, axes, and hammers.

武器に戦技と属性を付与できる戦灰 付与戦技は以下、付与属性は「炎」

 戦技「溶岩噴火」  火山館に仕えた騎士たちの戦技  武器を叩きつけた地面に、滾る溶岩を生じ  引き抜きと共にそれを噴き上げる

大型/特大の 剣/斧/槌に使用できる

This Ash of War grants an armament the Fire affinity and the following skill:

"Eruption: Skill of the knights who serve at Volcano Manor. Slam armament into the ground, spawning roiling lava which spouts up upon release."

Usable on large and colossal swords, axes, and hammers.


Applies the skill, Eruption to Greatswords, Colossal Swords, Great Hammers, Greataxes and Colossal Weapons.


Purchase: Volcano Manor

Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.
