Elden Ring Wiki

Ash of War: Assassin's Gambit is an Ash of War of Occult Affinity in Elden Ring.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Occult affinity and the following skill:

"Assassin's Gambit: Skill that masks the user's presence at the cost of a self-inflicted wound. Grants near-invisibility and silences footsteps."

Usable on small and medium straight swords and thrusting swords.

武器に戦技と属性を付与できる戦灰 付与戦技は以下、付与属性は「神秘」

 戦技「暗殺の作法」  自らを傷付け、その存在を消す戦技  使用者の姿は視認し難くなり  またその足音も消える

小型/中型の 直剣/刺剣に使用できる

This Ash of War grants an armament the Occult affinity and the following skill:

"Assassin's Gambit: Skill that masks the user's presence at the cost of a self-inflicted wound. Grants near-invisibility and silences footsteps."

Usable on small and medium straight swords and thrusting swords.


Applies the skill, Assassin's Gambit to specific small to medium-sized, non-curved swords.
(Namely Daggers, Straight Swords and Thrusting Swords).


Purchase: Volcano Manor

Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.
