Elden Ring Wiki

Archer Ashes is a spirit ash in Elden Ring.


Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon three archer spirits.

Spirits of archers who belonged to the Fallen Hawks, a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City. Their arrows are imbued with cold ghostflame. Though their methods are somewhat crude, they work well as a squadron, firing a hail of arrows in unison at the sound of a war cry.



Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon three archer spirits.

Spirits of archers who belonged to the Fallen Hawks, a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City. Their arrows are imbued with cold ghostflame. Though their methods are somewhat crude, they work well as a squadron, firing a hail of arrows in unison at the sound of a war cry.


Found in Nokstella, Eternal City, behind a building.


  • Upgraded with Grave Gloveworts.
  • Summons three bow-wielding Fallen Hawk Soldier.
  • Deals Pierce and Magic damage and inflict Frostbite with their attacks.
  • Decently high damage potential due to their Frostbite but overall somewhat inconsistent due to their shots and low rate of fire often missing mobile or evading foes.
  • (unverified) Using a roar skill such as Barbaric Roar or War Cry will make them all fire at once, once per summon.