Elden Ring Wiki

Adan, Thief of Fire is a boss in Elden Ring.


A man dressed as a Fire Prelate, imprisoned in the Malefactor's Evergaol in south-western Liurnia of the Lakes. He once stole Flame of the Fell God, an incantation kept secret by Chief Guardian Arghanthy, which revealed that the fell god still lurks within the Flame of the Fire Giants.[1]

Character Info[]


Right Hand Left Hand Armor Items Spells

ER Icon weapon Flail
Flail +10 (Wild Strikes)

ER Icon weapon Giant's Seal
Giant's Seal

ER Icon Armor Fire Monk Hood
Fire Monk Hood
ER Icon Armor Fire Prelate Armor (Altered)
Fire Prelate Set
(altered, no headpiece)

ER Icon Flask crimson tears 4
Flask of Crimson Tears

ER Icon Spell O, Flame!
O, Flame!
ER Icon Spell Flame of the Fell God
Flame of the Fell God


