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The Academy of Raya Lucaria is a both a faction, and a legacy dungeon located in Liurnia of the Lakes.


ER Legacy Dungeon Map Academy of Raya Lucaria

Map of Raya Lucaria

The Academy of Raya Lucaria sits on a plateau in the middle of the great lake of Liurnia, and is the place of study for glintstone sorcerers of the Lands Between.[1] This area is accessed by using an Academy Glintstone Key to pass through either of the two gates marked with the blue seal.

The Academy offers everything from basic training in sorcerery to advanced, specialized study. Higher learning is accessible to only noteworthy scholars, who are then permitted to don stone Glintstone Crowns, modeled after notable sorcerers in their chosen conspectus.[2] Azur and Lusat, regarded as founding glintstone sorcerers, founded the Karolos and Olivinus Conspectuses, respectively.[3] The majority of Glintstone Crown sorcerers found within the Academy pursue one of these two founding conspectuses.


ER Spell Sigil Raya Lucaria (Color)

Bell-shaped glintstone sigil of the academy depicts twin Cuckoos watching a mass of glintstone[4]

The founding of the Academy of Raya Lucaria was credited to the primeval sorcerers Azur and Lusat.[3] Their study of the Primeval Current shook the academy when they began to transfigure fledgling sorcerers into Graven Masses—the seeds of stars.[5]

Long ago, Rennala charmed the Academy with her lunar magic. She became the Academy's master and established the house of Caria as royalty.[6] When Rennala assumed governorship over the Academy, she heavily limited the study of the primeval current due the dangers it presented and subsequently exiled Azur and Lusat. This change outraged Sorceress Sellen, who began to transform her peers into Graven Schools.[7] Though the Academy expelled Sellen and denounced her methods, they shared her core sentiment, and their thirst for knowledge would eventually lead to the downfall of the Carians influence over the Academy.

The combined forces of the Knights of the Cuckoo: the Cuckoo Knights, the Raya Lucaria Soldiers and their Foot Soldiers were hired by the Academy at some point. As payment for their service, the Academy taught them martial Glintstone techniques like Scholar's Armament and Scholar's Shield. The design of the Cuckoo bird upon their armor is mused to represent the Cuckoo's refusal to be mere servants of the Academy. The Cuckoo were given free reign to wage war as they pleased by the Academy, and became known for their rapacious ways.

When Rennala's husband Radagon left her to become the second Elden Lord, Rennala's heart went with him.[8] With Rennala a grieving shell of her former self, the Academy then realised that she was no champion after all.[9] She still clutches the amber egg given to her by Radagon, which contains the Great Rune of the Unborn.[10] No longer in any state to defend herself, the Academy took the opportunity to lock Rennala in their Grand Library and staged a rebellion against the Carians, so that they could pursue unlimited study once more. The resulting conflict between the Acadamy's forces, and those of the Carians, waged across Liurnia, becoming an effective Liurnian civil war. Ultimately, the Acadamy would achieve their goals. Without their queen, and her successors absent, the Carians fell into decline, and their influence in the Academy's policies dissipated.

After the Shattering of the Elden Ring, the Academy declared neutrality in the ensuing war and cast repelling seals upon its entrances, blocking outside access to anyone not in possession of a Academy Glintstone Key.[11] Such a key may be found on an island west of the Academy, guarded by Glintstone Dragon Smarag.

Sites of Grace[]

There are four Sites of Grace in the Academy of Raya Lucaria:

The Sites of Grace Church of the Cuckoo is found near the entrance to the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Go through the doorway on the left from the chapel-like room at the start, and turn left again immediately.

The Sites of Grace Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace is found after passing through the graveyard and riding the waterwheel.

The Sites of Grace Debate Parlor is the Red Wolf of Radagon's boss room. It appears after defeating the boss.

The Sites of Grace Raya Lucaria Grand Library Site of Grace will appear in Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon's boss room after defeating her. It is accessed by taking the elevator guarded by Moongrum, Carian Knight.




Notable loot[]

Minor loot[]


  • Torrent cannot be summoned within the Academy of Raya Lucaria. However, the spectral speed may be ridden on the other side of the sealing gates.
  • Portraits of famous sorcerers, such as Rennala and Sellen, are hung throughout the academy.



See also[]


  1. Academy Scroll
  2. Karolos Glintstone Crown
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sorceress Sellen: "Master Lusat is another founding glintstone sorcerer. And like Master Azur, he was banished from the academy. Now he languishes, imprisoned somewhere."
  4. Cuckoo Surcoat
  5. Graven-Mass Talisman
  6. Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
  7. Graven-School Talisman
  8. Miriel, Pastor of Vows:"Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital, becoming Queen Marika's second husband and King Consort. Taking the title... of second Elden Lord."
  9. Queen's Robe
  10. Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing: "The Great Rune dwells within the amber egg that was Radagon's gift to her."
  11. Sorcerer Thops: "After they declared they wouldn't interfere with the Shattering, the academy cast repelling seals on the east gate leading to the Capital and the south gate leading here. As you might have guessed, the seals are still active, making entry to the academy impossible without a glintstone key."
  12. The Abductor Virgin is found at the bottom of the waterwheel. If the player is defeated by the Abductor Virgin's grab attack, they will be transported to Prison Town at the Volcano Manor.
  13. The Giant Silver Tear will continue to spawn until the Mad Pumpkinhead and Glintstone Sorcerers have been defeated.
